Saturday, February 5, 2011

Linux vs Windows

“Why pay for some shit when u r getting the best for free…?”

People always follow this concept. So, called the term piracy has been making every paid software free. Piracy is a crime. It’s a known fact. But who cares??? ”Money for nothing, things for free!”. I know that most them use pirated copies of windows as our operating system. Obviously the softwares which usually come with a cost are the one’s which get pirated always. You might be a victim of software piracy. Using pirated software or redistributing it is an offense.

Cops can put you behind the bars for piracy. But I don’t think it can ever happen in INDIA in years to come.
Probably because even the cops would be using a pirated version of windows in their workplace (ha ha ha… sounds funny but true). In order to keep your self away from such problems you can purchase it. But why do you want to pay for some shit when you can get one even better for free.

When it comes to an operating system, everyone thinks of Windows. Some might not even know which company makes it.

And not everyone would know what Linux means.

Linux is an open source operating system wherein people have the freedom to modify the source code and redistribute it not like the mean Microsoft.
When people are restricted from doing something, they feel more curious to do the same. That is how hackers have evolved and they’ve been exploiting everything that is possible.
I don’t blame those for using pirated softwares. But I’m just telling you to be aware of the dis-advantages of such softwares. When you download some free stuff from the internet that is supposed to be purchased, it comes with free and unwanted malware which will harm your system indirectly. You may not even know what is actually happening inside your system. But a lot of your confidential data is being actually being stolen without your knowledge. Moreover they don’t include all the features an original copy has. So what I recommend you is to start using an open source operating system like LINUX. It not only free but also legal for redistribution.
Life can actually become more miserable by using windows.
Would you crash your car to a tree for no reason?
Would you tear your clothes and start acting weird in public ?
Would you jump from the top of the Mount Everest after climbing it with great difficulty?
No… you would not do that. Because you have common sense.
But windows will definitely make it really very miserable.

Yes, windows acts weird all of a sudden for no cause(u have to accept this since its a fact). Windows have no brains, they only have windows to peep out and jump. After paying so much for such a software u get the worst.
Moreover, windows is prone to viruses, but Linux is very much safe from such things. Windows can easily get attacked. But Linux is totally protected.
Consider windows vista , which is one the biggest blunders of Microsoft. It has so much front end security that the end user feels like killing himself instead of using.
A good operating system is one which is more sophisticated for the user than being a burden.
windows vista needs heavy configuration but on the other hand Linux need very little.
Microsoft should understand that the future is in free software.

Linux is a great operating system.

It comes with greater stability and compatibility. It works well even on a system with low configuration.
Its a complete substitute for a crappy OS like windows. Software packages of the mean Microsoft work only on windows. But open source packages work on almost any platform subject to system compatibility.
Linux provides many similar features to that of windows and is much more powerful.
Linux supports better graphical interface than windows. MS office which comes with Microsoft is another paid software for windows that works only for windows. There’ a substitute again for it and its called Open Office that works even on windows. If you still wanna use windows packages in Linux, you can do that by installing a software called WINE.
To download WINE go ahead

If don’t want to install Linux but still want to use it. Then you can use a live cd. Using a live cd you can directly boot from the disk and there is no need of installing.
To download Knoppix flavor Live CD /DVD click here
For every paid software there’s a substitute that comes for free. So, again why pay for some shit when you are getting something better for free.
Linux has its own Linux kernal.
Similar to windows , even Linux comes in various flavors. Different organizations/companies design their own flavors on the Linux platform. Since its open source, anyone can get the source code and modify it the way we want. Some of the well known flavors of Linux are Fedora , Red Hat, Slackware , Ubuntu , open SUSE, … etc… Many of them post you a free hard copy of the installation CD like fedora and Ubuntu on request.

Out of all the flavors, i like Ubuntu which replaces windows with almost all the similar functionalities. As i personally use it , i feel its the best.
So i recommend you for Ubuntu.
So if u still want to bang up your head for no reason then go ahead and purchase/download windows.

Or if u want to try something new and exciting, then start using Linux.
Finally i would like to say “why do you want to burn a hole in your pocket, when you really don’t need to…???”

Stop Piracy
Piracy is a crime.
Visit Ubuntu’s official website for further details
To request for an installation cd click here…
Or if you have a good internet speed, then click here to download it directly from the official website

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