Friday, February 4, 2011

Hacking by brute force attack

These days whenever I go through few of countless chatting sites, I see people write about hacking & thinking themselves cool of knowing a trick that they learnt it over some tutorials. As outdated it might be!

First of all, I think hacking is not something you use it to show off! I call them douche bags who use it to be ostentatious over the net! You’re just another looser.
The concept of hacking has a positive and negative aspect as well. Well I don’t think explaining all that is something I’m thinking of.

Without further bullcrap let’s talk about “Brute force attack method”!

The basic meaning of the word “brute force” means the simplest method. It has really got no extra logic as such.
Take for instance password match by brute force attack-
The simplest method to know a password is to just try all the possible combinations! That’s it as simple as wearing your pants on! Hence all you need is
1) A tool for matching the combinations.
2) A wordlist having all the possibilities.
3) Patience.
You can get the tool called Goldeneye which I recommend from darknet

If not you can also try Ares. With every release Ares gets better and better, it does a lot of the work for you and I feel it is one of the best programs that I have used. With future updates I feel that this program will become the top choice of most hackers.
You can create your own wordlist or bend on millions of wordlists provided in the Internet. You can just google it.(Prof Google is way too resourceful)
These wordlist basically have all the common passwords combination. Make sure that you keep updating the wordlists time to time.
More mature list more possibilities. So amateur is good but not better than Pro.
The weakness of the internet that encourages brute force is, any attempts can be done for logging with the username & password. Take for instance Dr.Deadly can keep on trying the passwords for all day night, without having disqualified.
However people like Microsoft have a mean way too cut this by introducing limited attempts to try the password. Still warriors have found so many way to tweak their big ass empire. To be noted that the security policies have been getting strict day by day.
But still “where there’s a will there’s a way”. So thanks for the support assholes!
Taking this weakness as an advantage we trip with brute force attack!
Things to be noted (If you don’t wanna get whooped)
Once a professional told me “Dude there’s so much of shit you can do to have fun! But doing something stupid can get you in the submission position! So have fun but don’t be stupid.”
I take that word bit seriously! So I might like you to note some measures before you enact hacking!
Maintaining anonymity is one important thing for a tweaker. It’s often better to surf anonymously, as it decreases the risk of being attacked or get caught while attacking. It’s like a ghost creating nuisance for fun!
Masking proxy is a way to do this. While one is connected to internet, he’s connected through proxy. Hence making the proxy anonymous makes you in turn anonymous. Precisely you communicate through the proxy. If it is an anonymous proxy then the site that you are communicating with cannot recognize you or your Internet Service Provider (ISP) , forget recognizing you.
Back in days when I hacked over a wifi for free net I used anonymous proxy to be on the safer side. So still I can roam around as if nothing has happen! Or I’d be better off dead!
So I guess you’ve realized the importance to be not stupid! You can get plenty of anonymous proxy over the net for free
So go ahead & try it ,but don’t do things that Dr.Deadly wouldn’t!

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