Monday, February 7, 2011

Hacking Microsoft Windows XP For a Better Way!

“To tweak the features you never knew existed”


The legendry ”Windows XP” was the last successful (in terms of programming & tweaking) OS launched by the Microsoft. Basically a Chinese guy was the creator. (Sounds Funny but true!). The later launched OS namely horrible “Vista” & Pathetic “Windows 7 “ ain’t that programming friendly. (You won’t notice this if all you do is watch movies in you workstation).

Comparatively Windows XP was the most successful Operating System, maybe not at sales, looking at the number of pirated versions.
You can perform wonders using tweaks in windows XP. So now you might ask
Dr.Deadly can I
1) Hide my “recycle bin”. (You can make it disappear from desktop)
2) Hide my whole “HARD DRIVES”. (Without using any kind of software).
3) Restrict the access to control panel. (Without any registry change which’s boring)
4) Customize my start menu at one shot. (With detailed customization)
5) Do all those crazy shit I ever thought in my XP?

Hell yeah you can do all and many more…………
Windows XP was so beautifully designed that, few of the features were only meant for the pro system users, who’d look forth to customize the system to increase efficiency related to their requirement. Like in any organization or system, the subordinates ain’t given the whole rights or facility try out all the features……only the administrator is given. So what would you do to become an administrator?

1) Seduce the guy & wear his ID
2) Pretend to be the administrator, by knowing everything he knows.
What I mean to say is, know the features of an administrator.
There’s this thing called “group policy” which’s supposed to be an admin policy.
For Windows XP which’s already a programmer friendly, group policy makes it much better.

All you gotta do is
Go to start
Click on run
Type in gpedit.msc
Hit Enter
& * boom boom pow! *
Now as ya’ll can see gpedit.msc is a Microsoft system file. Gpedit enables editing the group policy. Here
Go to
Administrative Templates…………under User Configuration.
Now ya’ll can see various options. Go to any option you want & right click on it, go to properties to enable or disable the action.
For example
User configuration> Administrative Templates> Windows components> Windows Explorer>
You get a list of options at the right side. Go to any option & right click on it, go to properties a box appears.

Not configured retains it as it is
Enable facilitates the option.
Disable removes the enable.
Move around & try out with things you want to. This feature will surely be one good customizing to your workstation, & to exploit the facilities & improvise.
Moreover this ain’t illegal or crime or what so ever.(people have a tendency to think hack=crime).

So go ahead & try out things, & share your stories with us.

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